Music Mondays (Part 2): 50 Shades of Grey Soundtrack

So this Valentine’s Day, my best friend was my date as we rocked our single girl swag. We met up and got a drink before heading to the movies to see the infamous 50 Shades of Grey. I think we were both a little apprehensive about it: we’re both recently graduated English majors, and can both agree that the actual 50 Shades of Grey novels are knock-offs, “soft porn,” and bad literature. I’d also like to point out that if I was Stephanie Meyers, I’d be a little miffed that someone’s fanfiction based off of my novels was making millions now, but – that’s not the point of this post.

Sam Johnson-Taylor, the director, did do the best she could do with crappy literature. The settings looked immaculate, the casting was well done (I liked that they didn’t have any big name actors in the leads), and they did manage to make the movie have humor too. However, my favorite part of the movie was the soundtrack.

The Weeknd blessed us with Earned It:

We had Beyonce’s Haunted:

And Beyonce graced us with her 2003 Crazy in Love remix: